Healthy Foods to Eat at Night

We’ve all done it — eaten a lovely dinner that’s filled us up, and then had a case of the nighttime belly rumbles and eaten more. If it’s close to bedtime, snacking can be bad for us. Or is it? There are some foods that are actually good for you if they are eaten at night, as they can help induce a good night’s sleep.

We’ve all done it — eaten a lovely dinner that’s filled us up, and then had a case of the nighttime belly rumbles and eaten more. If it’s close to bedtime, snacking can be bad for us. Or is it? There are some foods that are actually good for you if they are eaten at night, as they can help induce a good night’s sleep.


One of the best natural sedatives is tryptophan, according to Dr. Sears, a practicing physician for 30 years. Tryptophan is an amino acid found in many plant and animal proteins, and it’s a necessary ingredient for the body to make serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for making you feel calm and sleepy. Dairy products, such as nonfat yogurt topped with 2 tablespoons of granola, are excellent choices, because they also contain carbohydrates, helping the tryptophan get to the brain more quickly.


While many of us have a nice bowl of cereal in the mornings to help us start the day, cereal is also a good snack to help us end the day in the right way, according to HelpGuide.org. By choosing a cereal that is made with whole grains and using skimmed milk, you get extra calcium and carbohydrates, which can help make you sleepy without filling you up. Eat non-sugary cereal, so the sugar does not have the opposite effect and keep you awake.


Foods with carbohydrates and tryptophan are the best to help induce sleep, and they’re also nutritious, according to Dr. Sears. Eggs contain just the right amount of tryptophan to make them an ideal choice for nighttime snacks. Carbohydrates engage insulin in your body to transport glucose into the cells, while the tryptophan goes to the brain and helps you become sleepy. Sprinkle a little cheese on scrambled eggs and you will provide your body with enough carbs and protein to keep it full until morning.


An hour before bedtime is the perfect time for half a turkey or peanut butter sandwich, according to Dr. Sears and HelpGuide.org. Don’t eat the sandwich directly before bed, because your body won’t have time to digest the carbohydrates and tryptophan to get the full sleep effect. Be sure your bedtime snack does not put you over your daily calorie limit, or this nighttime ritual can quickly cause weight gain.


A combination of a banana and a cup of hot chamomile tea will help to induce sleepiness, according to HelpGuide.org. Bananas contain a natural substance called melatonin, which is also present in the human body and helps us to sleep. Not enough melatonin can mean a restless and sleepless night. Bananas also contain magnesium, which helps our muscles to relax, and serotonin.

Source : http://www.livestrong.com/article/304762-healthy-foods-to-eat-at-night/

Gail Morris:
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