20 Medicinal Herbs Every Prepper Must Grow

This article was written by CHRISTINE C on askaprepper.com Knowing how to find, grow, and use medicinal herbs is an important…

James Cole

The Forager’s Guide To Wild Foods

This article first apeared on askaprepper.com  by BRYAN I’ve been hearing a lot about The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods and I decided…

James Cole

Read This Before Buying Survival Food

 by FERGUS MASON on askaprepper.com Food is a key part of prepping. Without a stockpile of food to keep you going…

James Cole

6 Essential Maps to Store Before an EMP

 by RICH M. for askaprepper.com The US Army has a facility in Fort Irwin, California, known as the National Training Center…

Rich M

OTC Meds In Your Backyard: 10 Plant Alternatives

 by KATHERINE PATERSON Let’s be honest; convenience often drives our choices. We seek the easy route in all we do, and…

James Cole

52 Plants In The Wild You Can Eat

We all know our market vegetables and fruits are trusted edible species, but what about wild plants? Here are a…

Giurgi C.

Black Seed – The Remedy For Everything But Death

by DIANE Used throughout history for its amazing healing powers, black seed was reportedly found in King Tut’s tomb. This spice…

James Cole

9 Natural Remedies To Heal Wounds Faster

This article was originally published by JESSICA THOMAS on askaprepper.com We can all agree that as we age our skin goes…

Jessica Thomas

An Awesome 72 Square-Feet SHTF Medicinal Garden Plan

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could walk out into your backyard and find the medicine you need growing right…


How to Grow Medicinal Herbs On Your Windowsill

This article was originally published by Diane on www.askaprepper.com I am a firm believer in growing your own medicinal herbs…
