Categories: Prepping

The 9 Best Survival Antibiotics

Survival antibiotics are often overlooked by preppers. One reason is because preppers don’t know which ones to  buy or even where to get them. Another reason is because they haven’t needed  them before so they forget that they might need them in the future. That was the  reason I hadn’t stocked up on antibiotics until a long, painful week set me  straight.

Last year, on an ordinary evening shortly after dinner, my stomach started  bothering me. It wasn’t nausea or a normal stomach cramp. It was a strange type  of gnawing pain I’d never felt before. I tried antacids and Pepto Bismol, but  nothing worked. I finally took some Tylenol and went to bed.

The next day the pain was still there, but now it had moved over to my lower  right abdomen. And as the day continued, it got worse. And worse. Pretty soon it  was so bad that I decided to go online and do some research. I thought it might  be something like a torn muscle or my appendix, but nothing I found really fit  my symptoms. That evening, the pain was so bad I could barely move. I had to  walk hunched over and take tiny steps. Any type of sudden movement caused  excruciating pain. It was so severe that my wife had to help me take my shirt  off before bed. The following morning she took me to urgent care.

It was a long day. The doctor asked a lot of questions and felt my abdomen,  but he wasn’t sure what it could be so he ordered blood work and a CAT scan. He  thought it might be my gall bladder, in which case I would need emergency  surgery. But again, he wasn’t sure if that was the problem because my symptoms  just didn’t quite fit. Of course, my wife and I were both afraid it could be  something life-threatening. Eventually, a radiologist took at look at the scans  and identified the problem: I had some type of infectious colitis in my  ascending colon (similar to diverticulitis). Basically, my colon was severely  inflamed by a bacterial infection. They couldn’t say exactly how it happened,  but it’s possible I got it after eating some undercooked meat. That’s rare, but  it can happen.

This infection could have killed me if not for the medication he prescribed.  And what was this wonderful medicine that saved my life? You guessed it.  Antibiotics. Specifically, Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole. After 10 days of  taking those, I was good as new! But I wondered, What if I hadn’t had access to  a doctor or antibiotics when this happened? I probably would have died. See how  important it is to stock up on antibiotics for survival?

Before  we move on, a few disclaimers: First, I am not a doctor and I am not giving you  medical advice. I’m just repeating some information I learned. I recommend you  ask your doctor if he will write you some prescriptions for antibiotics so you  can stock up, just in case. There are other ways you can acquire antibiotics.  For example, you could buy the ones that are meant for control of common  bacterial infections in fish and/or birds. I’m not saying you should consume  them, I’m just pointing out how interesting it is that they’re the exact same as  the ones prescribed by doctors. The picture shows a couple of examples.

And please, don’t take antibiotics every time you have pain or a fever.  Antibiotics are not good for you and should only be taken in an emergency. You  should have a good medical book on hand to help you diagnose the problem. And  then, only when you are very certain that antibiotics will help, should you take  them. I also want to remind you that if you take antibiotics and develop a rash  or any other reaction, you should stop taking them immediately. If there is no  reaction and your condition improves, continue taking the antibiotic for two  weeks, even if you feel better after a few days. Though you might feel better,  you want to make sure the infection is completely eliminated.

There are a lot of antibiotics, but I’ve narrowed it down to what I think are  the 9 best. These should cover almost 99% of infections. You don’t need to get  every single one on this list (for example, Cephalexin, Amoxicillin, and  Erythromycin are all very similar, but you might have trouble finding a couple  of them).

I can’t tell you everything you need to know in one post. I suggest you look  for some books on antibiotics

so you’ll know what and how much to use. It’s my hope that this  post will at least get you started. Here then, are the 9 Best Survival  Antibiotics. I’ll begin the list with the two that helped me.

  1. Ciprofloxacin – Best for things like urinary tract  infections, prostate infections, respiratory tract infections (such as  bronchitis or pneumonia), bacterial diarrhea, anthrax, and diverticulitis or  infectious colitis (when combined with Metronidazole). It should never be used  by children, pregnant women or nursing mothers. (Do a web search for “Fish  Flox”)
  2. Metronidazole – Usually used for getting rid of anaerobic  bacteria which is found in the intestine. Like I said, it can treat  diverticulitis or colitis if you take it with Ciprofloxacin. But it can also  treat bacterial vaginosis, diabetic foot ulcer, joint or bone infections, lung  or brain abscesses, meningitis, and a few other infections. This also shouldn’t  be taken by children, pregnant women or nursing mothers. (This one is also sold  as Fish Zole
  3. Cephalexin – Great for almost any type of respiratory  infection (bronchitis, pneumonia, strep throat, etc.) and middle ear infections.  It is safe for pregnant women and children and only has a few side effects. (Do  a web search for “Fish Flex”)
  4. Amoxicillin – This will handle most of the same types of  bactiera as Cephalexin. It’s also safe for pregnant women and children and has  very few side effects. However, some people are very allergic to it. In that  case, you should try the next one on the list. This is also sold as Fish  Mox.
  5. Erythromycin – Like the previous two, this one can also  treat most respiratory infections and middle ear infections. It’s also good for  Syphilis, Lyme Disease and Chlamydia. And it’s safe for women and children. So  why not just forget the other two and store this instead? Because it has several  potential side effects including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and  diarrhea.
  6. Doxycycline – Treats the same types of infections as  Erythromycin. However, Erythromycin can be hard to find whereas this one is  often sold as Bird Biotic. This is not labeled for human consumption. I’m  just pointing it out. This one can also treat sinus infections, Typhus and  Malaria. However, it should not be used by children, pregnant women or nursing  mothers and there are some side effects including kidney impairment and  sensitive skin. (Dixycycline is actually just a newer type of Tetracycline, also  sold as “Fish Cycline”)
  7. SMZ-TMP – That is short for Sulfamethoxazole and  Trimethoprim. Together, these can treat most respiratory infections, but they’re  mainly used for urinary tract infections. But the best thing about SMZ-TMP is it  can treat MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), also known as  resistant staph. This is a strain of bacteria that spreads easily and is  resistant to most antibiotics. (This Bird Sulfa
    might interest you.)
  8. Azitrhomycin – This one is similar to numbers 3 through 6  because it treats respiratory infections and all sorts of things like Chlamydia,  Lyme Disease, PID, Syphilis, Typhoid, etc. Side effects include abdominal pain,  nausea and diarrhea but that is rare. It’s a great antibiotic to have because it  treats so many different things. The problem is that it’s hard to find and can  be a bit expensive.
  9. Ampicillin – Similar to penicillin, but more effective  against things like anthrax and less likely to cause an allergic reaction. Also  useful for respiratory tract infections, bacterial meningitis, urinary tract  infections, gastrointestinal infections and many other things. (Do a web search  for “Fish Cillin”)

If you don’t want to get every one of these, you should at least get the  first three on the list. Those three will cover 9 out of 10 infections you might  get. As far as storage, just keep them in the refrigerator. You don’t have  to, but it will extend their shelf life. Don’t freeze them, though! That can  permanently alter their chemical composition and they might not work anymore.  They should continue to be effective for years after the expiration date, with  one exception: Tetracyclines (which includes doxycycline). These can become  toxic if they get too old.

Don’t be caught with a life-threatening infection when it’s too dangerous to go  out or after the stores have run out of antibiotics. They don’t cost much and  they could save you or a loved one’s life.



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