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How to Make Disinfectants from Scratch

Sometimes you run out of disinfectant when you most need it. This is when you could make use of the products available in the pantry. Some natural ingredients can make useful cleaners and sanitizers. Every so often you may have to use disinfectants in cases of emergency as well. How do you make ones by yourself if you are not able to walk to the store?

Here are some recipes to prepare your own disinfectants from scratch. You are going to need only a few ingredients, most of which are available in the household. Take a look.

Hand Sanitizer

Thing you’ll need:

Clean hand sanitizer bottle

1/2 cup of aloe vera gel

2 cups of rubbing alcohol




Mix all ingredients together and swirl. Then pour the solution into a clean hand sanitizer bottle using the funnel. Shake well before use to mix the ingredients. Use this solution to sanitize your hands when you are on the go or in an emergency situation. It can be extremely helpful in any situation.

The main ingredient in this product is rubbing alcohol. It has disinfecting properties and it makes a great hand sanitizer. If cups are unavailable or you just don’t want to do the dishes after tahat, here is what you can do: fill more than half the bottle with rubbing alcohol. Fill the rest with aloe vera and you are done. No measuring, no cups.

Disinfectant for Abrasions and Cuts

Here is a quick way to prepare a disinfectant for wounds in case rubbing alcohol is not available.

Things you’ll need:

Lemon juice or vinegar


Bottled water


Fill ¾ of a clean glass with bottled water and add one tablespoon of salt. Wait for the salt to dissolve. Then pour one teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar into the solution and mix well.

Vinegar and lemon juice have disinfecting and cleansing properties due to their acidity. This is why they can work great for disinfecting abrasions and cuts. Salt has bactericidal properties, which also makes it great for disinfecting wounds.

When you make sure all of the ingredients have dissolved, grab some cotton wool and dip it into the solution. Apply to wounds.

It is essential that you dispose of the mixture once you are done using it. You need a fresh solution every time. You should not store this mixture for future uses.

Disinfectant for Surfaces

Things you’ll need:




You only need one part water and one part vinegar to disinfect a number of surfaces and things. Mix the two ingredients in a spray bottle, cup or a container of your choosing and use to eliminate contaminants and germs on various surfaces. Always dry the surface well so as not to attract more bacteria to it.

Food Disinfectant

Use the aforementioned one-to-one solution of water and vinegar to disinfect fruits and veggies. Soak a cotton ball or a clean rag into the solution and rub all your produce with it until there is nothing left to disinfect. Let dry and you are ready to go.

Household Disinfectant

Things you’ll need:

Hydrogen peroxide

White vinegar


WaterUse diluted or undiluted hydrogen peroxide to clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces, but make sure you don’t use strong concentrations of the product because it can be toxic and corrosive. If mixed with white vinegar, it can destroy a number of fungi, viruses and bacteria. This is the best germ-fighter you can find without using bleach or other toxic cleaners.

With as few ingredients as these you can create wonderful and effective disinfectants to help you through difficult times.

The article is contributed by DomesticCleaners NW6

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Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness guide)

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Liberty Generator (Easy DIY to build your own off-grid free energy device)

Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)

Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )

Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)

Sold Out After Crisis (Best 37 Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)

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James Cole:
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