Survival In A Big City After Disaster

The issue of survival in a big city following a major disaster is a serious one. In 1800, only 3…

Ken Jorgustin

You’re a SEAL Stranded in Hostile Territory: What’s in Your Survival Kit?

SEALs in training in California might find themselves in enemy territory, with only their survival kits -- and wits --…

Mark Thompson

9 Survival Uses of Wood Ash

If you’re going to be burning wood, you’re going to have a ton (maybe literally!) of ash by the end…

Theresa Crouse

Top 4 Things to do Prior to the Dollar Collapsing

It seems like everyone knows that a financial collapse is coming. The only real question is when it’s going to…

Bill White

End Result: “The Total Devastation of Everything That You Know”

If you are an observer of the goings-on in the world and how the political, administrative and business elite operate,…

Mac Slavo

Will You Survive The Coming Economic Collapse And Martial Law?

Your bank account is gone along with your 401k, pension and job. All hell has broken loose. THERE WILL BE…

Dave Hodges

Countdown to a Nuclear Attack on U.S. Cities

James Strait is the author of "World War III - Not How You Imagined It." From ISIS to Islamic Jihad,…

James Strait

Prepping for the Top 7 Disasters that Will End the World

Everyone has their own opinion on how the world will end. “Doomsday Preppers” used Twitter to see what disasters will…

Jake S.

6 Checklist Items for When Disaster Knocks out Electricity

Disasters can strike at any time, and you want to be ready for them. Sudden winter storms can knock out…

Hannah Whittenly

Treating Burns Post-SHTF

No matter how hard you try to prevent it, it’s going to happen. At some point someone is going to…

Lizzie Bennett