Solar Storm 14 Times Larger Than Earth Could Unleash A Society-Crippling Electromagnetic Pulse

  Did you know that a storm 14 times larger than the Earth is happening on the sun right now? …

Bio Prepper

21 Things a Prepper Should Never Throw Away

Part of preparing is acquiring adequate supplies to survive an emergency, but an equally important part is making the most…

James Cole

The Best 5 Bug out Locations in the US

In the survivalist parlance of our times, when we’re using the term “bugout” we’re referring to getting away  from danger…

Chris Black

How to Survive Nuclear Winter

Scientists believe that a large scale nuclear war would wreck havoc with the atmosphere, causing nuclear winter, catapulting large amounts…

Bio Prepper

Dirty Bombs:Emergency Preparedness and Response

People have expressed concern about dirty bombs and what they should do to protect themselves if a dirty bomb incident…

James Cole

Ebola Lock Down Plan: This Article Might Just Save Your Life

Ebola Lock Down Plan There is no shortage of potential worst-case scenarios that all seem to be converging. The Ebola crisis…

Mac Slavo

Winter survival kit:car kit basics checklist

Winter travel especially by passenger car, is serious business.You should always carry a survival kit just in case.Your kit can…

James Cole

Using the Stars to Find North: Cassiopeia

I was talking with a friend recently who was lamenting the worsening of his vision. His eyesight had been slowly…

Bio Prepper

The Little Things After TEOTWAWKI

As preppers, we often focus the vast majority of our attention on the big things- the so-called “bullets, beans, and…

Bio Prepper

Ebola Transmission – Understanding and Preparing for an Outbreak

Ebola Transmission Ebola outbreaks are believed to start through a natural reservoir, such as a fruit bat. Other animals may…

Alex Smith