Is This The Beginning Of The End?
I’m going to say something that I don’t normally say; that is, I don’t think the United States is going to be around a whole...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
I’m going to say something that I don’t normally say; that is, I don’t think the United States is going to be around a whole...
As the COVID-19 Coronavirus sweeps the globe, different people are reacting in different ways. For most, fear is a part of that reaction. That’s normal,...
In 1882, Thomas Edison built the very first electric grid in Manhattan, New York City. This tiny grid provided electrical power to a whopping 85...
Most of us are used to using road maps, but there are a lot of people who have never had to deal with a topographical...
The general consensus amongst the survival community today, is that it is better to bug in and stay home, than to bug out. There are...
Many of us dream of living off the grid, but a few brave souls actually manage to do it. Such is the case of Jill...
One sign of an experienced survivalist is that they have multiple plans and methods for each and every one of their survival needs.
One sign of an experienced survivalist is that they have multiple plans and methods for each and every one of their survival needs. One simple...
Teaching your grandchildren good survival skills is one of the most loving things you can do for them. You never know when they might be...
One of the big challenges for retiring today is being able to afford retirement. Many of us are in the difficult position of not having...
North Korea has nukes, and tells the world that they are not afraid to use them. What is Trump going to do about it? The...
I don’t care who you are or where you live, bugging out is one of the most complex scenarios for any prepper.
With wintertime bearing down upon us, it’s time for many of us to make a few changes. Winter coats come out of hiding and we...
If there is anything that 2015 should be known for, it’s the increased danger that has risen up in this year. What started out as...
In the fall of 2014, we narrowly missed a major bump in the road, in the form of a solar storm. NASA had warned of...
It seems like everyone knows that a financial collapse is coming. The only real question is when it’s going to get here. The Fed is...