Bug Out Bag Confusion: The 72-Hour Kit Vs. Sustainability Kit
With the popularity of prepping at an all time high, it’s common to see folks succumb to those old clever marketing tactics. Purchasing gear for...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
With the popularity of prepping at an all time high, it’s common to see folks succumb to those old clever marketing tactics. Purchasing gear for...
When you are assembling your Bug Out bag, most people begin with scouring the internet looking for ideas. If you are like me, this will...
I`ve been trying to put together the perfect bug-out bag for a long time now. I kept taking things out and replaced them with lighter,...
Whether you’re planning for the potential evacuation of your home due to an emergency such as a hurricane, tornado or flood, or you’re interested in...
I am frequently asked questions around the subject of Bug Out Bags. There is certainly a lot of interest and for good reason. Seeing as...
One of the essential components of survival is fire. Fire is needed for light, warmth, cooking food, for boiling and purifying water, among many other...