7 Vital Foods to Stock Up On
Famines aren’t something that most people think about in the United States, but they have happened throughout global history and within the US. Severe droughts...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Famines aren’t something that most people think about in the United States, but they have happened throughout global history and within the US. Severe droughts...
Following an emergency or the all-out collapse of society and TEOTWAWKI, medical care and access to pharmaceuticals can become scarce or altogether nonexistent. While this...
Winter weather conditions can vary quite a bit depending on the region you live in, from constant rain and sleet to thick blankets of snow...
If you’ve ever heard that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, then you may well agree that bugging out now is...
Herbalism, found and practiced throughout virtually every region and people of the world, has been practiced with quite some success for thousands of years. Many...
There’s no way of telling quite how different life after a major disaster or serious collapse of society could be, but humans are remarkably resilient,...
Whether you’re unsure of how to plan for a bug out situation because you don’t know where you would bug out to, or you simply...
The importance of a well-stocked first aid kit is a point that cannot be stressed enough. Aside from the fact that, ideally, one should always...
Completing any project requires tools. Survival is no different. In fact, it is a project that your life depends on. It only makes sense to...
Throughout human history there have been several pandemics and hundreds of epidemics that have swept over the world, devastating the population of the human race...
In a post-apocalyptic world, protecting your home and yourself should be your highest priority. You will no longer be able to rely on law enforcement...
Depending on the region you live in, and the range of possible disasters you wish to prepare for, there are a variety of emergency shelters...
Whether you’re planning for the potential evacuation of your home due to an emergency such as a hurricane, tornado or flood, or you’re interested in...
In this article I’d like to review some of the most common sources of fuel for heating your home, cooking meals, heating water,and powering various...